Living Food Sp. z o.o. is already 10 years old!

We are very pleased to share with you this unique event. Living Food Sp. z o.o. is 10 years old. We have been creating our products for you for 10 years. It is a great time of assiduous work, but also of great development. We started with several probiotic products, and currently we have over 20 products in the company’s assortment and we are still creating new ones. We invite you to get to know our company better.


Living Food Sp. z o. o. is a POLISH company with a passion, which produces MULTI-STRAIN, ECOLOGICAL probiotic preparations in a LIQUID FORM.

On February 11, 2010, we started our activity. For the first years, the company was located in Grodzisk Wlkp. In November 2014, the company was moved to Trzciel at ul. Graniczna 15, where we also currently cooperate. The building, with an area of ​​approximately 500 m2, has been divided into three main parts. The first part is the office part, the second part is the laboratory part, and the largest part is the technological part where our products are made.

In 2012, our company, through Centrum Jakości Sp. z o.o. AGROEKO, has received an ecological certificate and since then we have been producing only ecological probiotic products.

From the very beginning, we have been taking steps to maximize the quality of our products, as well as to develop and introduce probiotic novelties. Our products are intended for adults, children over 3 years of age, active people, seniors, vegans, vegetarians, diabetics and people with lactose or gluten intolerance.

The company works intensively and develops not only in Poland, but also abroad. We export our products to Scandinavia, Austria, Germany, Spain, England, and also to Asia.

The entire production system and product control are based on the procedures in force in the implemented GMP, GHP and HACCP systems. Qualified and proven staff supervise the correctness of the system and quality of production.

About us

Here are 10 features that make us different:

  1. The quality and safety of our products.
  2. Ecology – we only produce ecological products (Ecological Certificate).
  3. Cooperation – to ensure the quality of our products, we cooperate with numerous research centers, as well as foundations and associations.
  4. Development – we increase the range of our products both on the domestic market and we export our products to Scandinavia, Austria, Germany, Spain, England and Asia.
  5. Team work – together we plan, analyze, solve problems and draw conclusions for further work.
  6. Innovation – through continuous development and listening to the needs and expectations of consumers, we conduct projects aimed at introducing new probiotic products to the market.
  7. Education – we take part in numerous trainings, conferences and events where we are speakers and learn from others to be experts in our field.
  8. Involvement – every day we focus our activities on implementing the company’s mission, which is close to each of our employees.
  9. Success – our efforts and dedication are appreciated by numerous awards and distinctions.
  10. Humility – we learn and draw conclusions, as well as listen to all comments and instructions from our consumers.

And much more, much more …


Many years of cooperation with numerous scientific institutions has enabled us to obtain and confirm the highest quality of our innovative products. We are working with numerous research centers, among others: Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition and Department of Biotechnology and Food Microbiology, Poznan University of Life Sciences; Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries, West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin and Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology in Warsaw.

The company also closely cooperates with numerous Foundations and Associations: Health Prevention Program of the Fundation Im. Zbigniew Religii, Wielkopolskie Centrum Promocji Zdrowia Sp. z o.o., Fundation Dlaczego Pomagam from Elbląg, the Union of Organic Farmers BIOPOLSKA from Podlasie, the Healthy Life Foundation “SALUBRITER VIVERE”, as well as health centers and dietary offices located in 6 Voivodeship. At the same time, we are still open to cooperation with new institutions.

Awards and certificates

Our company and products have numerous awards and certificates, including:

  • Consumer Laurel 2020 in the category „Natural preparations supporting immunity for adults”
  • POLISH QUALITY AWARD awarded by the Polish Chamber of Commerce
  • STATUETTE „Przyjaciel Fundacji” (Fundation’s Friend) of the Cardiac Surgery Development Foundation prof. Zbigniew Religa
  • Title and award „Orzeł Agrobiznesu 2018” (Agribusiness Eagle 2018) for market success granted by EMS Promotion and Publishing Agency
  • The Polish Innovation Award 2018 awarded by the Polish Entrepreneurship Agency to the most innovative companies operating in Poland, whose work contributes to the development of the Polish economy. In the case of our company it is the development of new functional products, produced on the basis of the CONSORTIUM OF PLANT EXTRACTS, PROBIOTIC BACTERIAL STRAINS and ALPHA-AKETOGLUTARIC ACID (AKG)
  • First degree distinction in the 16th edition of the „Wielkopolska Nagroda Jakości” (Wielkopolska Quality Award) competition for the implementation of the quality management concept
  • Certificate of the nationwide Promotion Programme “Doceń Polskie” (Appreciate Polish)
  • Certificate awarded by the Wielkopolska Institute of Quality for the improvement of our products in the scope of quality within the project “Creation and implementation of pro-innovative optimization services for SMEs based on an integrated expert system”
  • Certificate awarded for the first place in the competition of food products “Nasze Dobre Lubuskie” (Our Good Lubuskie)
  • Cardiac Surgery Development Foundation prof. Zbigniew Religa in Zabrze

We hope that this jubilee year 2020 will be very fruitful for us. We will work for it every day. It is for you that we want to develop further. THANK YOU FOR BEING WITH US.

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