The skin is one of the largest and most important organs in our body. Every day we are exposed to environmental factors that affect not only our body, but also the health and appearance of the skin. Taking care of your skin is important not only through daily care, but most of all through oral probiotic therapy.

The skin consists of a three-layer structure: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Its average area in an adult is from 1,5 to 2 m2, and its weight can be up to 20 kg. The skin plays a very important role in our body: both passive – protective, and active – secretory and sensory. The skin has important and diverse functions. That is why we should take care of its every day, not only when we have skin problems, but above all when it is healthy, to prevent its diseases.

Every day we are exposed to various unfavorable external factors, such as exhaust fumes, smog, active or passive smoking, heating, air conditioning or excessive exposure to the sun (UV radiation). These factors influence the condition of our skin. That is why it is very important to ensure its proper protection, both externally by using various creams and lotions, and internally by taking probiotics.

How are probiotics related to the skin?

It turns out very large. Probiotic microorganisms not only help to maintain the microbiological balance of the intestines after antibiotic therapy, but also regulate the digestive tract, strengthen the immune system and help maintain the psychophysical balance of the body. More and more attention is also paid to the role of orally taken probiotics in skin care and diseases. Probiotic microorganisms contained in probiotic products, through changes in the body and changes in systemic immune responses, may affect the condition of the skin:

  • The proper condition of healthy skin

Probiotic bacteria contribute to better skin hydration by increasing the content of lipids in the skin that form its natural barrier.

  • Mitigating the effects of UV-induced skin damage

Probiotic bacteria prevent transepidermal water loss caused by UV radiation. Probiotic bacteria also suppress UV-induced increases in hydrogen peroxide, protein oxidation, and xanthine oxidase activity in the skin. This helps to soothe changes in the skin caused by UV radiation.

  • Supporting the treatment of acne

Probiotic bacteria support the treatment of acne by accelerating the resolution of acne lesions. They also contribute to the better tolerance of the body to taking oral antibiotics, which are one of the elements in the treatment of acne.

  • Atopic dermatitis in children

The consumption of probiotic bacteria by pregnant and lactating women may prevent or alleviate the appearance of atopic dermatitis in children.

Consciousness of all the consumers of the beneficial effects of probiotic preparations is very important due to the multi-directional nature of their action. The combination of probiotic bacteria with herbs allows to increase the absorption of bioactive ingredients contained in plant ingredients. HORSETAIL and KNOTWEED, which are rich in bioactive ingredients, especially in ORGANIC SILICA, in combination with LIVE and ACTIVE PROBIOTIC BACTERIA IN LIQUID FORM, provide comprehensive support in skin care.


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