Most of our complaints begin inside the body. Many of them can be reduced by properly balanced diet supported by probiotics, regular but moderate physical activity and maintaining a balance between stressful situations and the time spent on relaxation and rest. Why are probiotics essential for the proper functioning of the body?

What is a probiotic?

The potential of probiotics has been known since antiquity – then they were referred to as fermented milk drinks. Mention of fermented (sour) milk has been around since ancient Romans and Greeks, and even from the biblical period! Even then, it was a recommended method for stomach problems.

It was not until 20-th century when the detailed research began engaging in probiotics, the analysis of the intestinal microbiota and strains of lactic acid bacteria. Since then, we know a lot about their beneficial effects on the human body. But what is a probiotic?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines probiotics as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”.

Effects of probiotics

Currently, a lot of scientific and clinical research is carried out on probiotics and their mechanisms of action.

Clinical studies have shown a supporting effect of probiotic microorganisms on the human body. Probiotics are recommended in:

  • Diarrhea – both acute, post-antibiotic and radiation-induced.
  • Allergies and atopic dermatitis.
  • Inflammation of the large intestine.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Necrotising enterocolitis.
  • Functional constipation.
  • Oral problems – such as bleeding gums or necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.

Probiotics are recommended not only for supplementation but also for prevention. Regular intake of probiotics affect:

  • Inhibition of the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
  • Support for the work of the nervous system.
  • Maintaining the intestinal microbial balance.
  • Inhibition of intestinal disorders.
  • Supporting the immune system.
  • Support the function of blood vessels and heart.

Forms of probiotics

On the market you can find probiotics in capsules, drops, powders and liquids. When choosing a probiotic product for yourself, you should first of all pay attention to which form is more valuable for our body.

Probiotics in liquid form reflect the natural environment of the intestines and are therefore often recommended for use. Probiotics in liquid form provide the best conditions for the microorganisms contained in them. Moreover, probiotics in liquid form contain postbiotics (e.g. organic acids and antioxidants), i.e. biofunctional and bioactive extracellular metabolites of probiotic bacteria, which were produced during the long-term process of their growth and additionally have a beneficial effect on the human body. The liquid form of probiotics also enables the maximum use of the bioactive potential of probiotic bacteria strains through their full vitality and biological activity.

More about that you can read at:

Does the form of probiotic matter?

Of course! To achieve the expected results, we must consciously choose the appropriate type of probiotic – designed for our needs. Depending on the strain, the effects of the probiotic are different. Therefore, it is very important that the probiotic strains are described with both a generic name, a species name and a letter-numeral designation. Individual strains of probiotic microorganisms have different properties. It is advisable to use multi-strain preparations. They show more effective action because they cause the mutual interaction of various microorganisms, thus positively influencing the human body.

You should be aware that the most important thing is the biofunctionality of a probiotic, which translates into its quality. Live and active probiotic bacteria contained in probiotics in liquid form have the ability to immediately settling the intestinal space. This allows to fully use their potential – beneficial effects on the human body.

If you already have sufficient knowledge about probiotics, you only have to choose the right one that will provide you with optimal results.


1. A. Nowak, K. Śliżewska, Z. Libudzisz, Probiotyki – historia i mechanizmy działania, ŻYWNOŚĆ. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość, 2010, 4 (71), 5 – 19.

2. A. Nowak, K. Śliżewska, Z. Libudzisz, J. Socha – Probiotyki – efekty zdrowotne, ŻYWNOŚĆ. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość, 2010, 4 (71), 20 – 36.

3. K. Śliżewska, J. Biernasiak, , Z. Libudzisz – Probiotyki jako alternatywa dla antybiotyków, Zeszyty naukowe politechniki łódzkiej, Nr 984 CHEMIA SPOŻYWCZA I BIOTECHNOLOGIA, z. 70 2006.

4. H. Szajewska, Probiotyki w Polsce — kiedy, jakie i dlaczego?, Gastroenterologia Kliniczna 2010, tom 2, nr 1, 1–9.

5. FAO: Guidelines for the Evaluation of Probiotics in Food, Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Working Group on Drafting Guidelines for the Evaluation of Probiotics in Food. London, Ontario, Kanada, 30 kwietnia i 1 maja 2002 (


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